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Vbulletin 6 header

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    Vbulletin 6 header

    • i am running Vb 6.0.3 and used your code to move my search box out of the header to the nav bar. I got that to work but i want my header to cover the entire top of the screen and it doesnt. I have set my Wrapper max width to 100% and used this code for the search. i would like the site logo to stretch the width of the screen? Even if i shrink the wrapper max back to 1200px the header falls a little short of covering it but i like the forum much better covering the entire width of the screen. Would just like the header logo to match the full width.

      Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	50.3 KB ID:	29943

      #header { position: relative; }
      #header .header-cell { width: 100%; }
      #header .site-logo, #header .site-logo img { max-width: 100%; } /* makes logo spans the width of the header */
      #header .site-logo { padding: 0; } /* remove padding around the banner logo */
      #header .toolbar {
      position: absolute;
      right: 0; /* for LTR languages (change right to left for RTL; see note below) */
      bottom: -34px; /* you may need to adjust this accordingly */
      padding: 0;
      width: auto;
      /* reduce search box width from 168px to 120px or any size if you want */
      .search-container .search-box .search-term { width: 120px; }​

    Are you using this mod?

    In some cases, you may want the logo to span the full-width of the header. Some suggest to put a background image in the #header element and then make the logo a

    It should work in vB6. I just installed it on a vBCloud forum recently.


      i will try it now


        It looks the same

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	24
Size:	446.2 KB
ID:	29947


          I switched it back to center the search box the way i had it before. No matter what i size the image to Vbulletin is resizing it to 1024x205.
          Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	372.3 KB ID:	29949


            The only way i seem to get the banner to cover the forum is if i move the Wrapper max width back to 900 PX but i do not like that look of the forum. Any ideas? i could probably load the header as a background image and just remove the header logo?


              Can you post or PM the link to your forum so I can check?


                Originally posted by glennrocksvb View Post
                Can you post or PM the link to your forum so I can check?
                Pm sent


                  You're using a banner logo that is only 1024px wide. Use a wider logo at 1920px (at least) or even double if you want to support wide screen resolutions.


                    The CSS code doesn't stretch the banner image to fit the full-width to preserve the image quality. But an image that is wider than the screen is shrunk proportionately to keep the aspect ratio. So it's better to use a wider image that fits or exceeds most of the screen resolutions.


                      I tried this and it is 3000px wide and it just shrinks it
                      Attached Files


                        I even doubled it and loaded one that was

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	0
Size:	227.9 KB
ID:	29963


                          Then I think the system is resizing the uploaded image based on the configured maximum size in the Attachment Manager in AdminCP.

                          If you want, you can stretch the image to force it to fill the full-width by adding this additional CSS:

                          #header .site-logo img {
                              width: 100%;


                            That worked!! Thank you


                              Glad to help!


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