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hey guys came here with problem! :)

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    hey guys came here with problem! :)

    hey guys, I'm from DR, and i've got an old forum running 4.2.5, and i am here with problem! so been looking all over internet, and i can't find the right answer.

    So my vps has been crashing, getting to 50.00 load, crashing and giving mysql errors, i’ve been searching everywhere… and found out that my vb_sessions table was getting full, its a vbulletin (vBulletin 4.2.5), its full of queries (sessions from cloudflare ips, pilling up) only cloudflare ips… i do have the website into cloudflare… could it be the cache? or im missing something..

    i just made this post to be able to read:

    Lets see if it works! im glad to be here.

    Welcome to tinieblax!

    You may have been hit hard by bad bots if you are having full session table. How many guests do you have online?


      Hello Team, since a few month I get information from vBulletin, that the traffic is a liitle bit too much for my Silver Server. My forum is only a small forum and I don't know, why there is now so much traffic. Never bevore we had traffic in the range of 75GB. In a first step I stopped the download function as well as search


        Hello, incredible to say, it was alibaba, and huawei bots killing the server. They are implementing new AI technologies, blocked them with cloudflare rules, blocking asia countries and suspicious activity, and all bots but google, and bing; loved the site. keep it up guys


          With the rise of AI, there are tons of AI bots crawling the web.

          I also tried blocking them in Cloudflare. Be careful not to block Facebook crawler which Facebook uses when a user shares a link on Facebook.


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