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Hello again Number 3 :(

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    Hello again Number 3 :(

    I got this URL from VBulletin on one of their pages.
    I am so terribly sorry that I am somewhat demented and cannot remember which one
    Does this mean that I am to be blocked forever or until I can remember?

    Not sure in the blocked status as to how many posts and the length thereof I need to make before I can use the forum

    Please could someone email me and explain how to go about registering?
    This is far too much for my 70 year old brain! I am not even allowed to edit my profile!!!

    Welcome to! Patience is a virtue.

    t takes time after your first post for the scheduled task for usergroup promotion to get processed. You know that scheduled tasks are not instant.


      And it's also mentioned in the notice.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	58
Size:	220.3 KB
ID:	28518


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