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Anti-Bump Old Topic

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    Paid Mod Anti-Bump Old Topic

    This plugin displays a prompt message if a user tries to bump a topic which is X months old (configurable in AdminCP). The topic age is calculated from the date of the last post in a topic.

    It is important to note that this mod won't totally prevent users to post in an old topic, because sometimes it may be useful to bump an old topic. However, users will be presented with a prompt dialog asking them to confirm posting before being able to save a new post.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	164
Size:	74.3 KB
ID:	28384

    The confirmation dialog message is fully customizable in the Phrase Manager. It uses the phrase variable antibumpoldtopic_warning.​

    You can also configure which usergroups of users whose posts need to be checked for bumping old topics.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	71.4 KB ID:	28382

    • Compatible with vBulletin 5 and 6 (self-hosted) only.
    • Compatible with PHP 8+.
    • Not compatible with vBCloud version.

    $20 (Branding-free)​
    Buy Now Add to Cart View Cart

    Need help or not comfortable installing this mod? Purchase the installation service below:

    Product Installation Add-On: $20
    Purchase this product add-on to get professional installation of this mod from us.

    Add to Cart View Cart

    Don't have a PayPal account yet or want to use a new account to purchase this mod? Sign up with PayPal now and get $5 reward!

    Want to pay using Credit/Debit Card? Contact us and we will send you an invoice where you can use your own card.

    Last edited by glennrocksvb; 10-31-2023, 09:30 PM.

    Bought and installed.....

    I'm not nearly as polite as Glenn's provided text, but it's easy to change that by going into the Admin CP and updating the phrase table:

    Click image for larger versionName:	capture_400750.jpgViews:	6Size:	187.9 KBID:	28393

    Another great mod. Three thumbs up.​
    Last edited by glennrocksvb; 11-01-2023, 09:00 PM. Reason: Added Style param "Padding: 20px"


    • glennrocksvb
      glennrocksvb commented
      Editing a comment

      Btw,, you had duplicate posts and deleted the other one which probably caused the attachment here to go away

    • Eolesen
      Eolesen commented
      Editing a comment
      I was trying to add some padding to the style param "Padding: 20px", which takes in the edit window, and gets stripped out by the save. Odd.

    • glennrocksvb
      glennrocksvb commented
      Editing a comment
      Are you referring to the attached image? I've never done that before. Maybe it's a bug.

    • glennrocksvb
      glennrocksvb commented
      Editing a comment
      I tried it in a local 5.7.5 and 6.0.1 installs and the issue is not happening. So it must be a bug here only.

    Yup. Not worrying too much about it as long as it works on my standalone.


    • glennrocksvb
      glennrocksvb commented
      Editing a comment
      I tried it here in another post and adding inline style works.

    • glennrocksvb
      glennrocksvb commented
      Editing a comment
      I just tried editing your post with the image and added padding and it worked! It triggered spam check (for whatever reason) so I had to approve the post.

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