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    Originally posted by glennrocksvb View Post
    I can see that the button on your site is now pulsating
    Yes, after writing in the forum, I was able to do it
    but now two things are missing to complete it completely

    1-I have the note configured in the notice area, which only appears to visitors and when a user logs in, the window disappears, but the window continues without disappearing

    2-the window appears static, and does not float, how can I make the window float like the one on your forum?​


    • alexan1252
      alexan1252 commented
      Editing a comment
      forget #1 I already have it solved

    I will post how to make a bouncing animation separately.


      Originally posted by glennrocksvb View Post
      I will post how to make a bouncing animation separately.
      Okay, thanks. I hope to notice when you have created the post. I sent you a small donation.


      • glennrocksvb
        glennrocksvb commented
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        Thanks, I appreciate it. I've added the Generous Donors badge to your postbit.

      alexan1252, here is the bouncing animation mod.

      To add bouncing animation to any element on a Web page, you'll add this animation CSS property to any CSS rule that targets one or more elements that you want to have the bouncing animation. Add this inside a CSS rule for the target element(s): (see sample usages section) animation: bounce 2.5s ease-out; Then add this


        Wow, I tried and it works perfect.
        Would be great if in the same thread you give full codes for the animated bouncing codes too. For that you have made a separate thread and I am trying to add that animation effects but failed, its because I am not a pro yet on VB.
        Please see if you can add both in the thread with and without animation. So that users like me who are totally new can copy the codes for with or without animation.



          Thanks for your feedback Khantastic. I put them in separate threads because you do the pulsating effect on any element and not jut on the Register button.

          To add the effect to the Register button, you simply add the heartbeat class like this to the Register button HTML in the Guest Notice:

          HTML Code:
          <a href="/register" class="b-button b-button--primary heartbeat">Register</a>
          Don't forget to add the CSS code in css_additional template as described in the other thread.


            Originally posted by glennrocksvb View Post
            Thanks for your feedback Khantastic. I put them in separate threads because you do the pulsating effect on any element and not jut on the Register button.

            To add the effect to the Register button, you simply add the heartbeat class like this to the Register button HTML in the Guest Notice:

            HTML Code:
            <a href="/register" class="b-button b-button--primary heartbeat">Register</a>
            Don't forget to add the CSS code in css_additional template as described in the other thread.
            Thank you so much for the reply, I am sorry I am new to VB, I do not know where to add this html code. All I know so far till now about custom CSS, where I can include this html code?


              Go to AdminCP > Notices > Notice Manager and edit the "default_guest_message", That's the default notice message you see on the forum for anonymous users. You can customize this message according to your preferred message text and format. You can add HTML tags in it to format the text.


                Originally posted by glennrocksvb View Post
                Go to AdminCP > Notices > Notice Manager and edit the "default_guest_message", That's the default notice message you see on the forum for anonymous users. You can customize this message according to your preferred message text and format. You can add HTML tags in it to format the text.
                Oh I see, so I can add those html code in that notice message. I got your point now. Let me try and thank you so much for your good support and big help. Much appreciated. <3


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