By default in vB5, clicking the IP Address of a user in the Who's Online page (/online) just shows you the hostname information of the user. That is not very useful. What you want to know is what country, state/region, city, postal code the user is approximately in. Additional information such as internet service and timezone is also useful.
To enable you to see detailed IP information, we can utilize the website to give us those information. Please see instructions below on how to do it.
If you are using CloudFlare, Sucuri or something similar, you may not be able to see the actual user's IP address. To fix that, you have do this.
NOTE: This mod requires editing an existing vB5 template which means a template merge conflict may arise during vB5 upgrade. In which case, you'd need to resolve the conflict to make sure the template would still be working as intended. This also means that this mod cannot be done in vBCloud as it does not allow to edit existing vB5 templates.
To enable you to see detailed IP information, we can utilize the website to give us those information. Please see instructions below on how to do it.
- Logon to AdminCP.
- Go to Styles → Search in Templates
- Choose the target style/theme in the "Search in Style" dropdown.
- In the "Search for Text" field, type onlineuser_details.
- Select "Yes" in the "Search Titles Only" radio button.
- Click Find button.
- In the search results, double-click the template to edit it or select it then click Customize button.
- Find the following code. This is used on desktop/tablet: (Hint: This is near the middle section of the template)
HTML Code:<a href="#" class="resolveIpLink">{vb:var}</a>
- Replace it with the following code:
HTML Code:<vb:comment><a href="#" class="resolveIpLink">{vb:var}</a></vb:comment> <a href="{vb:var}/json" class="resolveIpLink-new" target="_blank" rel="noopener" onclick="var w=600,h=200,y=window.outerHeight/2 + window.screenY - (h/2),x=(window.outerWidth/2) + window.screenX - (w/2);, 'ipInfoWin', 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, copyhistory=no, width=' + w + ', height=' + h + ', top=' + y + ', left=' + x);return false;">{vb:var}</a>
- Find another instance of the same code. This is used on mobile. (Hint: This is near the bottom section of the template)
HTML Code:<a href="#" class="resolveIpLink">{vb:var}</a>
- Replace it with the following code:
HTML Code:<vb:comment><a href="#" class="resolveIpLink">{vb:var}</a></vb:comment> <a href="{vb:var}/json" class="resolveIpLink-new" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{vb:var}</a>
- Click Save button.
- Repeat Steps 2-10 for other active styles/themes on your forum (if any).
- Go to the Who's Online page on your forum (/online) to confirm the change is working. See sample IP Address modal below:
If you are using CloudFlare, Sucuri or something similar, you may not be able to see the actual user's IP address. To fix that, you have do this.
NOTE: This mod requires editing an existing vB5 template which means a template merge conflict may arise during vB5 upgrade. In which case, you'd need to resolve the conflict to make sure the template would still be working as intended. This also means that this mod cannot be done in vBCloud as it does not allow to edit existing vB5 templates.